Quick Reference

Allergies-fenugreek, garlic, nettles, mormon tea, alfalfa, lobelia
Arthritis=alfalfa, cayenne, kelp, cats claw
Blood Pressure=cinnamon, cayenne, dandy, garlic, hawthorn (general heart), olive leaf, passion flower, green tea
blood purifier= alfalfa, burdock, dandy, kelp, nettle, pau d arco, red clover, yellow dock, chaporral, poke root, sheep sorrel, cilantro (heavy metal)
Blood sugar= cinnamon, ginseng, spirulina
Bleeding+ cayenne, green tea, plantain, shepherd's purse (high clotting, oxitoxin)
Circulation= bilberry, butchers broom, cayenne, ginkgo, lemon peel, orange peel, rose hips
Colds/flu= catnip, cinnamon, fenugreek, calimaila, cloves, orange peel, rosemary, wild chrry, yarrow, lovelia (expect), nettle leaf, hoarhound, golden seal, thyme
Colon= psyllium
Congestion= cayenne, eucalyptus, fenugreek, ginger, mustard seed, nettle, orange peel, thyme, wild chrry, mallow, hoarhound
Depression= st johns wort, rosemary, lemon balm
Divertic= cornsilk, dandy
digestion= chamomile, cloves, fennel, ginger, genseng, hops, lemon balm, lemon peel, peppermint, raspberry, slippery elm (diarrhea), rosemary, spearmint (heartburn), spirulina, stevia, wild cherry, billberry, d earth, act charc
Female= blessed thistle (no in preg), butcher's broom (dys), nettle (dys), passion flower (dys), raspberry, saw palmetto (hormones), wild yam, vitex, yellow dock (ovarian syst)
Energy=dandy, garlic, ginkgo, ginseng, kelp, olive leaf, rosemary
Fever=catnip, ginger, lemon grass, orange peel, white willow, wild chrry, yarrow,
Heart+hawthorn, valarian
Hemorrhoids=black walnut, butcher broom, nettle, passion flower, pau d arco
Impotense=ginseng, saw palmetto
LDL=cayenne, beet root, lemon grass, ginger, olive leaf
Immune system= black tea, black walnut, cinnamon, cayenne, cloves, thyme, echenacia, elderberry, eucalyptus, garlic, ginseng, yarrow, green tea, licorice, olive leaf, rose hips, orange peel, cats claw, astragalus
Insect=tansy, rosemary
Inflamation=alfalfa, bilberry, elderberry, lobelia, orange peel, slippery elm, tumeric, white willow, caendula, chia seed, bromalain
Liver=milk thistle, dandy, spirulina, stevia wormwood, yarrow
Milk=blessed thistle, raspberry
lymph=echenecia, mullein, yarrow
Memory=ginkgo, ginseng, sage
Minerals=walnut, dandy, garlic, ginkgo, mustard seed, oatstraw, red clover, raspberry, spirulina
Muscle Spasms=bilberry, hibiscous, orange peel, passion flower, raspberry, valarian, wild yam, black haw, skull cap
Pain=bilberry, cayenne, cloves (teeth), comfrey, elderberry, hops, lemon grass, mullein, passion flower, st johns wart, white willow, lobelia,
Poison/detox+bentonite, burdock garlic, activated charc, milk thistle
Respirtory=euclyptus, green tea lemon grass, lobellia (asthma), mullein, nettle (asthma), olive leaf, passion flower (asthma)
Skin Cancer=pau d arco
sedatve= catnip, valarian, chamomile, wild cherry, hops, lavender, lemon balm, lemon grass, st johns wart, thyme
Skin=plantain, slippery elm, burdock, cayenne, jewel weed, pau d arco, yellow dock, lemon grass, lobelia, olive leaf, calendula
Sore muscles= arnica black walnut, comfrey lobelia
Sore throat=echenacia, lemon grass, licorice, rose petals, wild cherry
Stress= rose petals, rose hips, valorian, ginseng, hops, passion flower, lavender, lemon balm,
Teeth= alfalfa, black tea, cinnamon, cloves, thyme, sage
Thyroid=walnut, kelp
vitamins=alfalfa, dandy, garlic raspberry, spirulina
Worms=black walnut, garlic, olive leaf, wormwood, pumpkin seeds
Yeast= Pau D Arco
liver=milk thistle
Cancer=apple seeds, burdock, sheep srrel slippery elm, turkish rhubarb root, cats claw,

"chorella, spirulina, walnuts, sprin water, apple seeds, grapes and seeds, apricot seeds, berries, cantalope, carrot, brocolli, peppers, tomatoes, avacados, garlic, lemon, lime, cocoa oil, flax seeds

Colon= SBO, royal tea (thewolfelinie.org)
Kidney= watermelon, celery seed teas
Liver=1/4 app juice x 3 days. one 3rd day 8oz EVO plus 1 juice lemon, bitte herbs
Blood+digestive enzymes and red clover, burdock, chaparrel, poke root, sheep sorrel

enzymes: trypsin, chymotrypsim
cilantro (heavy metal)
cocoa oil
garlic, curcumin, ginger, geranium, stabalized o2, E, grassfed beef, raw dairy, chlorella, spiralina, pancreatic enzymes, aloe zeolites, selinium, 30 minutes of sun

Breast Cancer caused by: abortion, mammogram, the Pill, doderant, bras

Cancer in general: growth hormones, sugar, chlorine, white flour, past milk, sodas, trans fats msg, nitrates, floride, aspertame

  1. weak or damaged cell allows microbe in
  2. microb takes cells sugar
  3. microb excretes toxins, acids, hormones, slime
  4. whole cell becomes acidic
  5. cell doesn't get enough glucose
  6. cell can't filter waste
  7. energy drops
  8. cell sends for more insulin/glucose
  9. Repeat 2-8
  10. cell now can only ferment energy in microbe
Prevent cancer: pinethyl siul foxicle, methyl sulfony ((aloe, fresh raw food), ozone, c- 10,000mg, grapes and seeds, consema blacksre, budwig (muis, chives, cottagecheese, onions, garlic, yogurt, virgin flax oil, wait, then fish oil, cinnamon, fruit), grapes, pancreatic enzymes (aids digestion), b17 (laetrile= millet apple seeds), essaic tea (burdock, sheep sorrel, turk rhubarb, slippery elm), oleander, coral calcium, silver

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