Monday, April 10, 2023

Skin salve

 Good for any skin ailment except puncture wounds;   burns, rashes, cuts, scrapes, chicken pox, etc. The skin will heal so fast there is too much danger of infection with puncture wounds. 

1cupComfrey dehydrated (common name: Bone Knit. contains the minerals and vitamins  the skin needs to heal itself)
12cupPlantain dehydrated
12cupCalendula dehydrated
1jarOlive Oil Extra Virgin is best. You could use cocoanut oil, or almond oil instead. 
Beeswax beads is easiest
40dropsessential oil Optional. 

Other possible herbs:

  • aloe (you can buy dehydrated powder or add fresh gel to the double boiler.)
  • echinacea
  • chamomile
(Many add a few capsules of vitamin e a a preservative. Mine lasts quite a while without it though.)

(Honestly, I think I use different recipes each time, experimenting with the herbs. The ones above are the basic ones I always use.)

1. Add herbs to a quart jar and cover with olive oil. poke and kind of stir to make sure all the air bubbles are out.

2. a. Sit in a sunny window, turning daily, for 6 weeks. or

    b. Put in a crockpot filled with water on low for three days. or

    c. Put in the oven for 250 degrees for 2 hours.

3. strain the oil out of the herbs. I use a clean cloth in a strainer over another quart jar and let it sit for a couple of hours. Then squeeze the cloth to get the last of the oil.

4. Estimate the amount of oil you have and add the equal amount of beeswax (shaved or pellets) by volume to a double boiler. When it is melted, add the olive oil and stir. 

5. Add the essential oil if you are using it (lavender, chamomile, etc. Essential oils are, by their nature, anti bacterial. the herbs are powerful enough you don't really the extra boost, though. Your salve will smell prettier with them, not that it smells bad without. doesn't really smell at all.) or you can add a bit of garlic or ginger powder to boost the germ fighting ability of the salve.  Stir.

6. Put 1 Table spoon in the freezer for a few minutes. If the salve is too hard, reheat and add more oil. If it is too soft add more beeswax.

7. When you have the right consistency (think "petroleum jelly") pour into your containers (I like 4oz canning jelly jars). Use when cooled.

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